Psyc 73800

Cognitive Psychology

This is the course website for Psyc 73800: Cognitive Psychology (Fall 2020), offered through the Cognition and Comparative Psychology (CCP) training area, Department of Psychology, Graduate Center of CUNY.

Course Coordinator: Matthew Crump

This course is co-taught by several faculty from CCP, who will each lead a 2-week module on various topics in Cognitive Psychology. The readings and assignments are posted on the blackboard for this course. Emails for each module leader are also available on Blackboard.

  1. Matthew Crump: Foundations
  2. Virginia Valian: Language
  3. Andrew Delamater: Learning
  4. Sandeep Prasada: Concepts
  5. Natalie Kacinick: Embodied Cognition
  6. Jennifer Mangels: Decision-Making